Cheron's Bridal, All Dressed Up Prom, Suit & Tie

VIP Appt Request Links
📍 Chattanooga, TN 📍 Aiken, SC
Appt opportunities...
TN: We-Fr 11:30-5, Sat 10:30-4
TN Only: W-F, 2:30-5: Prom+Tux Only: No appt needed
TN Only: Sat, 10:30-4: Prom+Tux Only: No appt needed

SC: Mon-Fri 10-6, Sat 10-2
TN: 423-531-2060, SC: 803-226-0489

Customers Trust Online Reviews, Use Common Sense Filter

by Mark Douglas March 21, 2018

All Dressed Up Chattanooga, a 5-Star Review | Bridal Gowns, Prom Dresses, Bridesmaids, Tuxedo Rentals | Wedding

We all have common sense so reading a bad review isn't the end of a company; but reading loads of them from different perspectives while dripping with details may be.

(The following has satirical content. Calm yourself.)

Online reviews have become more and more important. 97% of consumers look for businesses online first and 85% trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. (Like: Yes, step-mom, I agree I should probably make my bed. And yes, internet, tide pods are cute but are made for laundry.) By the very fact you are reading this says you're probably one of them. These people research their companies and products by reading and researching online reviews, all while knowing it's important to apply common sense. Many researchers (you're a detective now) will first look at the overall company/product review, then skip down to the negative ones to see what their deal is. (We all love a good rant, this could get juicy!) We can also acquire useful information concealed in the reviews that are positive yet not quite glowing, negative but not exactly terrible.

A 5-Star Review for All Dressed Up

People leaving bad reviews are often angry. (Insert ad for local therapist HERE.)(Insert ad for MMA HERE.) They are three times more likely to post a review than the happy customer. (I actually think this number is closer to 100/1 but I digress. Let's all pause right now as we reflect on the amount of times we've been exceedingly happy about the customer service of a product or service and did NOT give the effort to share this excitement with our community and the world by posting a favorable online review. Hope your happy, now Mr and Mrs Cranky's bad reviews are significant factors in the disintegration and bankruptcy of your favorite lemonade stand.) The review may refer to something totally out of the control of the company.

Another 5 Star Review for All Dressed Up

Learning to read whether a review is legitimate or not is a valuable skill. (But is it really that hard? Come On!) It can help you filter out bad reviews that have nothing to do with the company's performance and, just as important, glowing reviews clearly left by somebody's auntie. (I'm going to start a new business, "Learn how to read and ascertain the truth of online reviews." I'll be rich!) If you do find legitimate bad reviews look at the company's response. A good company can be judged by what they do when things go wrong even more than by how they are when everything is smooth sailing. Do they apologize? (Don't. Ever. Apologize.) Do they take steps to fix the problem? (Vacation, yawn.) Reviewers may be very compelling in their explanations. If the owner didn't reply it could be a sign of laziness or of being digitally inept. (They're guilty, case closed.) Not responding can cost the company upwards of 30 customers. At minimum it will leave the investigator puzzled and leaning on the negative side. (Swipe.)

Stupendous Review of All Dressed Up, Chattanooga

Those bad reviews may be legitimate or may have been left by a bridezilla who would not have been happy no matter what the company did. (They probably did it, always believe the bride.) The more reviewers explain with details the more we are convinced, one way or another. Society does tend to give people the benefit of the doubt - and it's worth following that rule. Look at whether reviews represent a pattern or are outliers. Simply counting the yellow "stars" can help, but not as much as looking through the reviews. Even if there is a pattern of strange behavior ask yourself if it reveals a real problem or something you find unimportant. (Luck. I'll go with luck.)

And of course, if you are looking for a way to be dressed to the nines, contact All Dressed Up for our great selection of bridal and prom gear. And don't forget to check out our online Google reviews.

This week's Video Bonus: #5 Reading Online Reviews | Bedtime Stories That Cure Insomnia! DJ Mark's latest episode of 'Puttin On The Ritz w/ DJ Mark!' just went LIVE! 

Video Dialogue:

Mark: "And welcome, people from around the world are always asking, DJ Mark, how can I get a better night's sleep, where I'm fully rested and recovered from a hard day's work. Well, do I have the solution! Grab your favorite mug, mix up some light coco, turn on your lilac air purifier, pull those covers all the way up, and relax, DJ Mark is gonna read you a bed time story, online reviews edition...
We begin this episode by sharing several causes of insomnia, as documented in the Google Customer review sections of several area "bridal shops." These reviewers not only suffer from nightmares, cold sweats and hypertension, but also daytime hallucinations, and a new disease, the uncontrollable-angry-eye-twitch, which can even prevail during normally happy and joyous live-moments, like during the reading of the vows, your first dance, and your baby's first breath.

(Mark reads other in-town "bridal shop" Google reviews.)

Now, If you are one of these people please know there is help. What you deserve is an experience of sheer and unadulterated pleasure... Let me share with you the kind of review that will leave you in pure bridal prom tuxedo ecstasy...
ALL Dressed Up 5-Star Customer Reviews:
Cheron and Mark will give you the best customer service you've ever experienced! They are very professional, helpful and will literally meet your needs no matter what! Whether you're a bride to be or shopping for your first prom, ADU is the place to go!
I went to All Dressed Up for my prom dress and ended up purchasing an absolutely beautiful red dress! Cheron went above and beyond and gave suggestions for other dresses. Thanks to her, the process was smooth and I could not have asked for a better dress. I am looking forward to going back for future purchases.
Absolutely best customer service ! Extremely supportive with getting you what you want for the best price. Thank you very much Mark, I'll see you first anytime I need to look sharp !
Cheron and her team at All Dressed Up go above and beyond for their customers! Beyond her shop, Cheron’s wedding expertise is professional & genuine. Every detail you do not see, she see’s and makes it perfect! We have been fortunate enough to have worked with Cheron while planning our wedding, and I can honestly say I could not have done anything without her! I truly recommend her for all of your wedding needs!!
Don't contract uncontrollable-angry-eye-twitch disease! And get a great night's sleep! Read the Reviews for All Dressed Up. They are Chattanooga's #1 formalwear Superstore, providing ALL your Bridal, Prom, and Tuxedo needs.
Like this video, leave a comment, share it with your friends, and we'll see you next time."

5-Stars! All Dressed Up, Chattanooga, TN

ADU is owned and operated by Mark and Cheron Douglas.

Visit All Dressed Up today to get started on your Tuxedo Rental and Prom Dress shopping.

This is an original blog post from All Dressed Up - Bridal Prom Tuxedo.

Don't miss a single ADU Wedding Day / Prom Night Blog! Follow us on Instagram and get notifications via the Bloglovin app! (see below)

Mark Douglas
Mark Douglas


Also in Cheron's Bridal Blog | Wedding Day

Andrew and Kaleigh Branham at Howe Farms w/ All Dressed Up Chattanooga, TN | Christan C. George Photography
The Bridesmaid Dress - What You Must Know

by Mark Douglas August 01, 2018

Bridesmaids dresses are color coordinated, sometimes look similar to the bride's gown, and are always about style and current trends. The modern bride has a modern bridal party, and the dresses play a key part. Some brides choose for their girls to wear the same color, but perhaps select a variety of styles. However, the most recent trend among wedding parties is to have bridesmaids dressed in a completely mismatched fashion.

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Andrew and Kaleigh Branham at Howe Farms w/ All Dressed Up Chattanooga, TN | Christan C. George Photography
Wedding Dresses, a Brief History Lesson

by Mark Douglas June 21, 2018

From ancient China to the recent royal wedding, wedding gowns have made up a large part of culture all over the world. But what is a wedding gown, and where did the modern idea of a wedding dress come from? Keep reading to learn all about the style and history of these beautiful dresses.

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Andrew and Kaleigh Branham at Howe Farms w/ All Dressed Up Chattanooga, TN | Christan C. George Photography
Nurturing Your Soulmate, Living and Loving Through Virtues

by Mark Douglas June 06, 2018

Whether we meet on a blind date or over the backyard fence, love happens all around us. Finding a life-partner to build a future with is a possibility for each of us. But building a joyful, committed relationship with a soulmate requires a deep understanding of the many virtues that nurture and strengthen a couple's love for one another throughout the years.

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